Title I: Constitution - Name - Duration - Registered office - Purpose
Article 1: Constitution
An association governed by Law No. 60 - 315 of September 21, 1960 on the association regime is founded between the Pharmacists who are members of these statutes.
Article 2: Name
This association referred to in article 1 of these statutes is a learned society called in French "SOCIETE IVOIRIENNE DE PHARMACIE ONCOLOGIQUE" in abbreviated form SIPO and in English "IVORIAN SOCIETY OF PHARMACY IN ONCOLOGY" in abbreviated form ISPO.
Article 3: Duration
The SIPO or The ISPO is established for an unlimited period.
Article 4: Headquarters
The head office of the SIPO is located at the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Treichville in Abidjan. It can be transferred to any other place in Ivorian territory, by decision of the General Assembly if necessary.
Article 5: Purpose
The purpose of the SIPO is to:
- to develop standards of good practice specific to Oncology Pharmacy in Côte d'Ivoire;
- develop scientific research programs;
- participate in the continuous or discontinuous training of health professionals in the field of oncological pharmacy;
- to set up collaborations with Scientific Societies and national and international evaluation bodies;
- contribute to the optimization of the management of the patient with cancer.
Title II: Members - Contributions - Resources
Article 6: Members and Contributions
The SIPO is made up of:
- Honorary members, those who have rendered significant services to the association and who are distinguished by the Board of Directors. These members have the right to vote in the General Assemblies. They are exempt from dues ;
- Active members, those who adhere to the statutes and rules of procedure and who actively participate in the life of the association. They apply to the Board of Directors and are approved by it. They pay an annual contribution, the amount of which is set by the internal regulations. Only active members have the right to vote in General Assemblies provided they are up to date with their contributions at the time of the opening of the assembly;
- Associate Members and Benefactor Members, who are natural or legal persons showing an interest in Oncology and adhering through a newsletter specific to the association. These members have an advisory vote.
Membership is lost by:
- Resignation, notified in writing to the office;
- The death ;
- Radiation pronounced by the General Assembly for non-payment of subscription or repeated absence from general assemblies or any other reason deemed sufficient, the interested party being invited, by letter signed by the President, to appear before the Board of Directors then before the General Assembly to provide explanations; the decision of the General Assembly being in sovereign matters and without appeal.
Article 7: Resources
SIPO's resources include:
- The amount of contributions paid by members;
- Grants from the state, regions, departments and municipalities;
- Manual donations as well as donations from public institutions, private companies or other resources in accordance with the legal and regulatory framework in force.
Title III: Administration - Operation
Article 8: Board of Directors
SIPO is headed by a Board of Directors of at least 5 members and a maximum of 11 members elected for 3 years by the General Assembly, eligible for re-election, who can only be natural persons.
The council for the duration of its mandate chooses among its members an office composed of:
- One (1) President;
- One (1) Vice-president;
- One (1) Secretary and
- One (1) Treasurer.
The functions of secretary and treasurer may be doubled by assistants.
In the event of a vacancy, the Board of Directors is only obliged to provisionally replace its members if their number has fallen due to the vacancy below the statutory minimum. In other cases, he only has the possibility. The replacement members are co-opted for the remaining term of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors closes the accounts annually and, considering the geographical dispersion of the members, they are submitted for approval to the first general meeting held after this closing of the accounts.
Article 9: Meeting of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets at least once a year and whenever necessary, at the invitation of the President or at the request of a quarter of its members. A member of the board of directors may hold at most one power of another member of the board.
Decisions are taken by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the president's vote is decisive.
Any member of the board of directors who, without excuse, has not attended three consecutive meetings, may be considered as having resigned.
Article 10: Ordinary General Assembly
The Ordinary General Assembly includes all the members of the association with their respective voting rights as defined in article 4 of these statutes.
It meets once (1) a year. It can only validly deliberate with the participation of at least a quarter (1/4) of the active members, present or represented. If this quorum is not reached, a second convocation must be made at least fifteen (15) days after the first meeting; no quorum is required for this second meeting.
Ordinary decisions on the agenda are taken by an absolute majority of voters in the first round or by a relative majority in the second round.
The general meeting deliberates on:
the moral report presented by the president or his representative;
the financial report presented by the treasurer or his representative, the representatives can only be other members of the office; it approves the accounts closed by the Board of Directors.
the appointment of members of the Board of Directors and on renewal thereof.
The notices decided by the Board of Directors are made at least fifteen (15) days before the date set for the meeting either by letter or by posting at the head office or by e-mail. They include the agenda.
The active voting members may be represented by another active voting member, the number of powers being limited to one (1) per active member.
Article 11: Extraordinary General Assembly
The Extraordinary General Assembly has sole competence for:
- The modification of the statutes;
- The decision to partially contribute assets or merge with another association.
The rules for convening are those provided for ordinary general meetings.
Decisions are taken by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present or represented, a quorum of half (1/2) of the members must thus be reached on first convocation, no quorum being required on second convocation. made at least fifteen (15) days after the first meeting.
It is also the sole jurisdiction for the dissolution-liquidation decision in accordance with article 14 of these statutes.
Article 12: Scientific Council
SIPO has a Scientific Council made up of four (4) members: two (2) external members + two (2) members of the SIPO office.
The two (2) external members will be appointed by the SIPO Board of Directors according to their skills in the scientific and / or training and / or health fields.
The advisory objective of the Scientific Council will be to:
- Propose or validate the strategic orientations of the SIPO;
- Formulate an opinion on the actions carried out by the SIPO.
Title IV: Internal regulations - Dissolution
Article 13: Rules of procedure
The internal regulations are intended to set out the various points not provided for in the statutes, in particular those relating to the internal administration of the association and to provide more details.
Article 14: Dissolution
The dissolution of the SIPO can only be pronounced at an Extraordinary General Assembly by a majority of three quarters (3/4) of the members up to date with their subscription. If this quorum is not reached, a new General Meeting is called within the following fifteen (15) days, and it deliberates under the same conditions as the previous one.
If the quorum is not reached again, a third General Assembly is convened within the following thirty (30) days, this time it may validly deliberate by the relative majority of members present on the date of their subscription.
In the event of dissolution, the extraordinary general meeting appoints one or more liquidators and the assets, if any, are vested in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Adopted at the General Assembly, in Abidjan, June 28, 2019
President Secretary General
KRASSE Innocent Noël MEITE Gaoussou