These internal regulations are established in application of the statutes. It specifies the said statutes.
Title I: General provisions
Article 1: The purpose of these internal regulations is to define the terms of application of the statutes of the SIPO or The ISPO for a better functioning of the latter.
Article 2: As indicated in article 4 of the statutes, the exclusion of a member can be pronounced by the General Assembly, for serious reasons. In particular, the following are deemed to constitute serious reasons:
- non-participation in the activities of the association;
- a criminal conviction for felony and misdemeanor;
- any action likely to harm, directly or indirectly, the activities of the association or its reputation.
In any case, the person concerned must be able to present his defense, prior to the exclusion decision.
The exclusion decision is adopted by the General Assembly ruling by a two-thirds majority of the members present.
In the event of the death of a member, the heirs or legatees cannot claim any maintenance in the association.
Title II: Administration and operation
Article 3: The contribution paid to the association is definitively acquired, even in the event of resignation, exclusion, or death of a member during the year.
Article 4: SIPO is managed, between meetings of the Board of Directors, by a Bureau whose composition is as follows:
one President ;
one Vice-president;
one Secretary General with or without Deputy;
one Treasurer with or without Deputy;
Article 5: The President: Responsible for the functioning of SIPO, the Board of Directors and the Bureau, he ensures the regularity and proper functioning. He is responsible for his office before the Council and the General Assembly. He commits the association in all acts of civilian life. He signs with the treasurer the acts financially binding the association. He chairs the meetings of the Bureau, the Board of Directors and the General Assembly and presents the end of management reports.
The vice-president: he assists and replaces the president in case of absence or impediment
The Secretary General: he is responsible for the administrative coordination of organizational tasks, for drafting and keeping correspondence. He must keep abreast of the activities of the AIPO. He keeps the minutes of the meetings.
The Deputy Secretary General: he assists and replaces the secretary general in case of absence or impediment.
The Treasurer: he is in charge of the financial management of the funds under the direction of the President.
The Deputy Treasurer: he assists the treasurer in his duties and replaces him in the event of his absence or impediment.
Article 6: The General Assemblies and the meetings of the Board of Directors are chaired by the President of the Bureau.
In case of impediment, the President is replaced by the Vice-President and so on according to the composition of the presence of the Bureau.
Article 7: In the event of a vacancy in the presidency, the Vice-president shall act as interim until the election of the new president within three (3) months from the day of the vacancy.
When a vacancy occurs among the members of the Bureau, the President chooses a new member and submits it for the approval of the Board of Directors.
Title III: Method of election and deliberation
Article 8: The President of the Bureau is elected for three (3) years by secret ballot by a relative majority of the Board of Directors, renewable once. It constitutes his office.
Article 9: Two auditors are elected under the same conditions as the President.
Article 10: Any active member present at the date of these contributions is an elector.
Proxy votes
As indicated in article 8 of the statutes, if a member of the association cannot personally attend an assembly or a meeting of the Council, he can be represented by a proxy under the conditions indicated in said article.
Article 11: The assembly decides by show of hands by a relative majority on the voting method.
Article 12: The Bureau meets once per quarter. But in case of necessity when convened by the President, the Bureau can meet in an extraordinary way.
Working committees may be set up by decision of the president in agreement with the Board of Directors.
Title IV: Membership - Contribution - Expenses
Article 13: Membership
The membership fee is 5,000 F CFA.
Article 14: Contribution
The subscription is set at 1000F CFA / month or 10,000 F CFA per year.
Active members and associate members contribute. Honorary members and benefactor members are exempt from membership fees.
Article 15: Expenses
Only administrators and / or members of the office can claim reimbursement of expenses incurred in the course of their duties and on justification.
The amount of costs incurred must be reasonably adapted to the service.
These refunds can be waived and donated to the association.
Title V: Final provision
Article 16: Modification
These internal regulations may be amended by the Ordinary General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the members present or represented.
Adopted at the General Assembly, in Abidjan, June 28, 2019
President Secretary General
KRASSE Innocent Noël MEITE Gaoussou